fund a program

fiscal partnerships


The Tacoma Parks Foundation (TPF) has supported the critical work of Metro Parks Tacoma (MPT) for more than 30 years. The Foundation Board and staff are proud to continue this legacy by raising funds to support current MPT programs and projects. Additionally, the Foundation often raises funds for emergent and evolving community needs.


our funding

Jack C. Wilson Active Kids Fund

The Active Kids Fund ensures that low-income community members have equitable access to MPT’s award-winning programs. The Active Kids Fund provides financial assistance (a fee reduction of 50-75%) to low-income kids, families, and individuals to remove financial barriers to participation in MPT’s classes, programs, and experiences.


Uniting around the development of the whole child, our local Tacoma municipalities along with private businesses, youth orientated-non-profits, health and social service providers, and cultural arts institutions— are supporting Tacoma Public Schools and collectively working together to ensure that all elementary and middle school children have access, exposure, and opportunity for social and emotional learning during non-school hours and helping solve the child care crisis. Please click on the logos above to learn more.

Donate to Support Youth

Our parks, gardens and open spaces are part of what makes living in Tacoma so special. TPF’s Memorial Program is a wonderful philanthropic way to honor a loved one.

Participation in the Memorial Program begins at $6,000. Most donors choose to adopt a park bench with a plaque written in remembrance. Other limited opportunities for plaque placement may occasionally be available.

Memorial Program gifts are tax deductible. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Quinn Bartholomew at quinn@tacomaparksfoundation.org.

building a brighter future